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Drinking conditioning method pig swine anorexia

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Drinking conditioning method pig swine anorexia

Data:2018-07-25 Source:http://coolgay.cn Click:1039

Drinking conditioning method pig swine anorexia

1. One point increases appetite spicy pig, feed point of pepper and pepper is very effective. Because pepper, chili containing pungent and aroma, and irritation, gastrointestinal secretions increase after hogwash enables to accelerate the stomach and intestines, improve digestion. Especially in lactating sows feed add a little pepper, etc., not only can increase the sow was intake, but also can reduce the incidence of piglets have prompted early weaning piglets.

2, but also increase milk production; piglets prefer sweet, not only to the survival rate is high, and early weaning, a significant increase in weight. One feed additive as 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram. Conditional was in late spring, late summer, early fall, add some sugar, early spring, late autumn and winter, add some brown sugar, per kilogram of feed to add 1 to 3 g, the effect is better than saccharin.

3. One point again too salty add in swine diets right amount of salt too, can promote pig metabolism and growth, increase water intake, improve feed palatability too, increase appetite and help digestion.

4, do not forget to add the feed point of acid was added 10 ml per kilogram of vinegar, stir, not only eat pig, aid digestion, because vinegar containing amino acids and other nutrients, growth and development of the pig is very good, but the amount should not add too much .